Can now ride a two wheeler. I started teaching him on my vacation - we went to Toys-R-Us for Matty's birthday and he saw a cool Ben 10 bike. I told him that he wasn't getting a new bike until he learned how to ride a two wheeler - I wasn't wasting my money on a new set of training wheels.
The next afternoon I asked him if he wanted me to take the training wheels off his bike and he said yes. It took about one hour and he was riding across the property by himself. A few days of that and then he tried it on the street - he rides like a pro now - He took a ride all the way down the block to the horse farm with his dad. He also goes down the big hill (well, big for a kid just learning a two wheeler) by the house.
He is so proud of himself! He also finished swimming lessons - He can actually go to a level next year - this year was just beginner readiness - but he can do everything he is supposed to and on his last day he even swam underwater a little bit!
Jenny's new thing is that she gets naked every single chance she gets - it has gotten to the point that I had to tape her diaper with electrical tape (like a belt) so she couldn't get it off. IF that isn't bad enough - when she gets her clothes off she tries to take her brother's clothes off!!!! "Come on NIck - Nakey Good! Nakey Free!!!!!!"
I tried to look for the silver lining - I said to my husband "Well, maybe she is ready to start potty training" He looked at me and said "She can't even say 'Pee' let alone do it on the potty - get over it - she just likes to be naked!"
Nicky is as sweet as ever. He is talking jibberish more and more -he says Mom and Dad really clear. He also says bye - but that is about it. He does yell at you in his own language quite often though!!!
He has been climbing through the little window in the living room lately. He dumps the legos, turns the box over and stands on it - then he climbs through the window onto the kitchen table - he then has the AUDACITY to yell at you when you ask him what he is doing. What a trip.
I am going to try to post video of Joey riding his bike later. I was too lazy last night.
Have a great weekend!