Monday, March 20, 2006

Thank you to Cyndi.....

for these beautiful embroidered blankets for the babies - they list all their birth stats on them. Take a look....

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She also hand embroidered like 6 bibs for the babies - I am almost afraid to use them during a feeding - they are so cute!

Also - Joey says that it is "very hard work being a big brother" - which I guess is why he fell asleep sitting in his chair......

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I hope everyone has a good one - hopefully I will update more soon.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Doctor's Appointment

Things are going pretty well so far. I am sure once they start getting more mobile it will become harder but for now we seem to be managing pretty well. The babies are on a schedule about 1/2 hour apart - so once we are done with one, the other is ready to eat - it works well when I am alone with them when Joe is at work.

Nicky doesn't sleep great at night but I think it is because he knows that Joeyboy will hold him while he sleeps if he makes enough noise at night.

Jenny is very mellow - she just hangs out and goes with the flow - definately her father's personality!

They had their 4 week doctor's appointment today:


Nicky is now 8lbs 8 ounces and 21 inches long. He has gained 2lbs 3 oz since his last appointment on 2/18/2006 and grown 1 3/4 inches. We were a little nervous because he still seems like he is snuffy at night and has a hard time breathing - The doctor told us that it is just because he has small nasal passages and told us not to label him as the "vulnerable child" since he was in NICU when he was born. She also reassured us that what happened when he was born has absolutely NO long term effects and to just put it in the past. It made me feel better but I still feel bad when it seems like he can't breathe at night!

Jenny is now 7lbs 3 oz which means that she has also gained 2lbs 3 oz since her last appointment. She now measures at 20 inches which is a growth spurt of 1 1/2 inches in 3 weeks!

Jenny has a small infection in her belly button which the doctor says is normal - she put some stuff on it which will stop the oozing. She has also developed a small umbilical hernia but it should clear up in a few weeks.

Finally, Jenny also has a hemangioma in her no-no place - basically it is tiny blood vessels that will continue to grow until she is about a year old and then will gradually fade away. At least it is covered by her diaper - I hope that it doesn't bother her too much in the year to come.

Joey is doing great and adjusting pretty well to having the babies around - he gets tired of waiting for us sometimes but he is very proud of his brother and sister. He showed them off to his Preschool teachers today. Speaking of Preschool Teachers - Miss Joanne said that Joey is a pure joy to have in class and is the happiest little boy she has ever met - She even went so far to ask if he "ever wakes up in a bad mood or is grumpy". Boy if she only knew how bitchy he can be when he wants! I guess if given a choice, I would rather that he was well behaved in public - even if that means he can be a monster at home! LOL

Here are a couple of more pics of the little ones - hopefully I will be able to get some video up soon if I can figure it out!

Until next time!

My first Post

Well, I have created this blog as a place for my family to see updated pictures of the kids and to let them know what is going on with everyone - It is easier than e-mailing pics everytime I get them!

I hope you enjoy!