Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Funny story and Zoo pics

Yet another anecdote to illustrate the vast differences in personalities of my two babies:

The twins have started using a fork when they eat.

Nicky carefully pierces the food with the prong and slowly and methodically moves the food to his mouth and takes his bite.......


She uses the fork as a drumstick on her high chair and eats her food like a puppy - no hands!!!!

Never ceases to amaze me!

Here are some pictures at the Zoo that Nicole took:

Have a good one.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Thank Yous

1. Thank you to PJ and Nicole for taking Joey to the Zoo on Saturday - he had such a great time and still is talking about it!!! You spoil that kid rotten!

2. Thank you to Aunt Joan and Aunt Pam for having EVERYONE over on Saturday - all the kids had such a great time - and (I know it was orinally for the dogs but) thanks for blocking off the driveway - it gave me peace of mind with the babies.

3. Thank you to Kelly for being my stand in husband on Saturday - I didn't want to miss the bar-b-que but I knew I couldn't do it by myself.

4. Thank you again to Kelly for watching ALL THREE kids on Sunday so we could go to the game - We had such a good time and we really needed it! I am so glad the kids (i.e. Jenny) was good for you - she always keeps us guessing!

Love you guys!!!


Friday, July 20, 2007

New things:

  • Jenny is diving off the couch head first - but that's ok because Joey "puts a pillow down for her"
  • Nicky has taken to pointing his finger at me and yelling - I guess I am out of line.
  • Joey's new favorite food is Eel - yes EEL!
  • Joey got two of his Christmas presents already - I am a sucker and need to store those toys!
  • Jenny has started sitting in the opending of the wall between the kitchen and living room and chit chats with me (in her own way) while I cook dinner.
  • I made Hamburger Helper the other night (GROSS!) and I was the best mom in the world - go figure!
  • Going to the Yankee game Sunday - Kelly gets all three at once - SUCKER! LOL (just kidding)
  • After the great job Joey did at "facing his fears" on Sunday in Anthony's pool - I bought him the Superman life vest - he is such a skinny little shit! LOL (I will try to get a picture and post).
  • Nicky has started doing itsy bitsy spider a little bit - but still prefers clap hands and round round bally.
  • It sounds like they both say "Joe" but I am not quite sure yet.
  • All kids still prefer Joe. Damn it.

That's it off the top of my head. Have a good one.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I didn't update back in June...

when the babies had there checkup - and since I am basically using this site as a baby book - since I am terrible at updating their actual book....I need to

On 6/14/07 Nicholas was 32 1/2 inches long and 22lbs, 3 oz.

Jennifer was 31 inches tall and 18lbs, 15 oz.

Both got two shots and they were thoroughly pissed. The doctor said they are wonderful, beautiful babies and I should hug them everyday - which I do.

That's it - have to go catch fireflies now but I will leave you with this video of Jenny. One of these days I am going to have to get her a dog....

Monday, July 02, 2007

It still amazes me....

That two babies could have been conceived at exactly the same time, born only two minutes apart and raised the EXACT same way and be total opposites!

We took the kids to the beach Saturday night (I will post pics when I get home tonight). As soon as we put the kids down Jenny tore ass towards the ocean.

Nicky plunked his butt down in the sand and just sat there - studying the sand - getting used to the way it felt. He stared at the seagulls for a good fifteen minutes straight!

Jenny, on the other hand, wanted in the water right away and was trying to make me let go of her so she could be on her merry way. When the water would come up she would kick and laugh - she tried to sit in the pools of ocean that gathered in little sand pockets. Joey got a few good shots of her trying to get away from us.

Nicky's turn at the ocean. He held on to my fingers for dear life. The water would come in and wash over his feet and legs - he didn't cry but he looked up at me like "Yeah, I am glad you are getting a kick out of this - but it is a little too much excitement for me." Meanwhile, Joe couldn't get any good shots of Nicky at the water because he had to keep one hand on Jenny the whole time - who was bugging out b/c she couldn't still be in the water.

Joey had a great time climbing up the LifeGuard sand mounds and splashing in the ocean. After we were done playing on the beach we went up to the boardwalk where Jenny did her shimmy shimmy shake where the band was playing - and Nicky finally decided to explore a little bit.

After the beach we went to Carvel for ice cream and then the kids each conked out! It was a good day. Here are all the pictures from the beach.

Quick update - I posted pics and I found one from the sprinkler day that I forgot to post of Jenny.....