Friday, March 23, 2007

Doctor's appointment

Took the babies for their doctor's appointment today.

Nicky: Nicky's blood work came back fine. He is 21lbs 5oz and 32 inches long - which means he grew a whopping 4 inches and gained two pounds. Nicky is in the 90th percentile for height and the 25th percentile for weight - Doctor said he is doing great!

Jenny: Jenny's blood work came back fine as well. She is 17lbs 3 oz and 30 inches long - which means she grew 2 inches and gained one lb since her last appointment. Jenny is in th 50th percentile for height but she is below the chart on weight - she has only been 3rd to 5th percentile since she was born so the doctor is not worried that she fell slightly below the chart- she has a feeling that she will continue this trend for some time - especially because she is constantly on the move.

They each got two shots - Prevnar and Chicken Pox.

I have to bring them both back when they turn 15 months.

Joey has a banner weekend this weekend:

Tonight - Birthday party for his cousin James.
Tomorrow - work with me in the morning - birthday party for his friend at 4:00pm.
Sunday - My sister Kelly is taking him to the movies!!! He is going to sack out on Sunday night!!!!!

That's it - I have to feed the babies and then we are off to Chuck E. Cheese!!!!

1 comment:

Chastity said...

Oh my gosh, your kids are beautiful!!! First time visitor here...will be back :).