Well, it is the last day of school - Joey is so excited! All three kids got their hair cut. Jenny got about an inch or so cut off and both boys got a buzz cut. I will post pics later if I can.
Quick funny story....This morning I was driving Joey to school and I said "Boy, you got some hair on those legs kiddo." and he said:
"Well, I AM a man!" lol
Also - like I said before, Nicky got a buzz cut - which he usually doesn't get. He was looking in the mirror and he said "I am Matthew!" LOL
and one more story, this one from Jenny.
I took her to work with me yesterday and I asked her to sing Twinkle Twinkle to me - she said "Mommy get the recording thing!"
When I told her that I didn't have it with me, she said she couldn't sing. What a DIVA!
Talk to everyone soon!
Love ya