Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I can't believe a whole school year has passed already! It seems like I just dropped them off last month. I am so proud of my two babies (not babies anymore)!!! They did a great job this year. Their graduation was last Thursday - small song and dance and then they received their "diploma" with a picnic afterwards. It was very very cute. Jenny did all the songs and dances...Nicky did whichever ones he felt like doing! LOL Here are some pics and videos of the morning.

First day of Preschool:

Last Day of Preschool:

Some Pics:

Diploma or flute?? You decide!

Yeah I guess we will take a picture! Hurry up!

OK - now that is more like it!!!! Best Friends forever!

Hi Mommy and Daddy!!!!

With their teachers Miss Joanne and Miss Jennifer!

And here is some video: