Very hectic day yesterday. Up at 7am, Mommy and me at 9:30, Work at 11, drop kids at Toniann's at 12 (thanks again!), plant sale at Joey's school 12:30 - 3:30, back to Toniann's at 4pm and then all the nighttime rituals.
Anyway, as Jenny does, she bugged out when I left her at Toniann's yesterday, only for 5-10 minutes but it still kills you.
When I got back to To's to pick her up she said "Mommy, you're back" and I said "Of course, Mommy ALWAYS comes back."
So this morning when I was leaving for work - she did her usual "Mommy, don't go nowhere." when she first woke up and I told her I had to go to work but Daddy was staying home. As I was leaving, she said "Bye Mommy, I will see you later because you always come back!"
It was so sweet - she is my little buddy - I wanted to pick her up and take her with me but I thought that would be counter-productive.
I don't know how her separation class will be this summer or pre-school in the Fall. We shall see but hopefully she is turning a corner on the seperation anxiety thing.
Talk to everyone soon.
If I don't post again:
Happy Mother's day to All old moms, new moms, step moms, soon-to-be moms and everyone else!
Happy Mother's day Mom - we will see you on Sunday!